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By eOil Team  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read




Rosemary officinale plants originate from the Mediterranean basin, their natural habitat spreading from Europe Mediterranean seaside countries of Spain and France to the North African Mediterranea, in Tunisia and Morocco. They have adapted and are found growing naturally in similar Biotopes in South Africa.

All Rosemary will present the same general profile, form, or structure. (They will look the same)

But, depending on environmental and climatic factors, plants of the same genre and specie, will present slightly distinct molecular variations, concentrations, or profiles in their essential oils, called chemotypes- for Chemical Type, in short ct.

Rosemary officinalis ct. VERBENONE (Rosmarinus officinalis L. verbenoniferum), essential oil is rich in Verbenone.

  • This chemotype is found in France, (more specifically in Corsica) and in SOUTH AFRICA
  • It is rich in alpha pinene (15 to 40%), in Verbenone (4 to 14%), Bornyl acetate (1 to 13%) and 1,8 cineole (4-18%)
  • The Aroma is more subtle, and softer than the other Rosemary essential oils (ct. Camphor and Cineole)
  • Rosemary Verbenone essential oil is mainly used in well-being, body, and skin care synergies for its lipolytic (breaking fats) properties coming from the Verbenone molecules. But it will also be valued for its Antibacterial, Antifungal, antiviral (alpha pinene, 1.8 cineole) and calming, relaxing qualities (Bornyl acetate)

Rosemary officinalis ct. CINEOLE (Rosmarinus officinalis L. cineoliferum), essential oil is rich in 1.8 cineole, a molecule compound also known as Eucalyptol.

  • This chemotype is mainly found in Spain, Morocco, and Tunisia.
  • It is rich in 1,8 cineole (41 to 52%), alpha pinene (9 to 17%%), and in Beta -pinene (2 to 10%)
  • The Aroma is strong, reminiscent of Pine and Eucalyptus.
  • So, it is no surprise that Rosemary ct. cineole essential oil will be used in support of Chest or nasal Congestions for its Expectorant, mucolytic (making mucous more fluid) and antibacterial properties coming from the cineole molecules. Its antifungal qualities (alpha -pinene) make Rosemary cineole a go-to essential oil when it comes to personal hygiene and homecare sanitation blends.

The eOil Team


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