Allergy Hypersensitivity caused by a foreign substance
Acaricide who kills mites
Amenorrhea Not having your period.
Analgesic Relieving pain
Anaesthetic Pain relieving by loss of sensation
Anti-allergenic Reduces symptoms of allergies
Anti-Asthenic Fighting Fatigue, weakness states
Antibacterial Fights bacterial growth
Antibiotic Fights infection in the body by preventing the growth or destroying bacteria.
Anti-catarrhal Anti-catarrhal herbs are herbs which help dissolve and eliminate, as well prevent the formation of mucus and inflammation of the mucus membrane. It is a symptom usually associated with the common cold and chesty coughs but can also be found in patients with infections of the adenoids, middle ear, sinus or tonsils.
Anticoagulant which helps to smooth the blood and limit its clotting; this prevents blood clots from developing
Anti-emetic who has an action against nausea
Anti-fungal Prevents the growth of fungi
Anti-haemorrhagic A substance preventing or combating bleeding
Anti-haemorrhagic A substance preventing or combating bleeding
Antihistamine Counteracts allergic reaction
Anti-infectious Prevents against infection
Anti-inflammatory fighting inflammation
Anti-microbial A substance reducing or resisting microbes
Antioxidant A substance to prevent or delay oxidation
Anti-parasitic Acts against parasites, which kills parasites of all kinds (lice, fleas, moths, etc...)
Antiprotozoal which kills parasites called protozoans responsible for various diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, etc.
Antipruritic which calms and eliminates pruritus, i.e. a skin itch
Anti-seborrheic Helps control the oily secretion from sweat glands
Antiseptic A substance helping to control infection
Anti-spasmodic A substance to help prevent and ease spasms and relieve cramps
Anti-sudorific A substance to help lessen sweating
Anti-toxic Antidote or treatment to counteract the effects of poison
Anti-tussive Relieves coughing
Antiviral Kills Viruses
Aromatherapy The therapeutic use of essential oils
Anxiolytic calm and soothes anxiety
Aperitif which stimulates appetite
Aphrodisiac which stimulates sexual desire
Astringent that tones and tightens skin tissue
Bactericidal An agent destroying bacteria
Bacteriostatic which prevents the development and proliferation of bacteria
Balsamic which calms the inflamed mucous membranes
Carminative Settles the digestive system and relieves flatulence
Carrier oil An oil which is used to dilute essential oils for the purpose of massage - see fixed oils
Cellulite An "orange peel" effect caused by local accumulation of fat and waste products
Chemotypes The same botanical species occurring in other forms due to different growth conditions
Cicatrisation Formation of scar tissue
Cicatrising Agent promoting healing by scar tissue formation
Cold pressed Refers to a method of extraction where no external heat is applied during the process
Constipation A state where normal bowel functions are not present
Cortisone-like which mimics the action of cortisone in the body
Comedogenic which tends to clog pores especially by the formation of blackheads.
Comedo (plural- Comedones) dilated pore or hair follicle filled with skin debris, bacteria, and sebum (oil). Commonly called Blackheads (open Comedones) and whiteheads (closed Comedones).
Cutaneous Pertaining to the skin
Cystitis Bladder inflammation
Decongestant A substance which helps to relieve congestion
Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin
Detoxifier Helps to detoxify and to combat impurities in the blood and body
Diffuser A device which helps to release the fragrance molecules into the air
Digestive which promotes digestion
Distillation A method of extraction used in the manufacture of essential oils
Diuretics which increases the secretion of a liquid
Draining making it easier for liquids to flow
Dysmenorrhoea Painful menstruation
Oedema Water retention
Emollient Softening and soothing to the skin
Eupeptic which promotes digestion
Essential oil Volatile aromatic liquid constituting the odorous principles of botanical matter
Expectorant A substance that helps to expel mucus from the lungs
Fixative Material that slows evaporation of volatile components in perfume
Fixed oils Vegetable oils obtained from plants that are fatty and non-volatile
Flower water the water resulting from the distillation of essential oils, which still contains some of the properties of the plant material used in the extraction
Fold Refers to the percentage of terpenes removed by re-distillation - single fold to fivefold
Fractionated oils Refers to oils that have been re-distilled, either to have terpenes removed or to remove other substances
Fungicide A substance which destroys fungal infections
Germicidal An agent that destroys micro-organisms
Halitosis Bad breath
Haemostatic Helps to stop bleeding
Hormonal Action has an action at the level of the hormonal system (regulation, stimulation, inhibition...)
Hormone-like which mimics the action of hormones in the body
Hydrosol Floral water
Infused oil An oil produced by steeping the macerated botanical material in oil until the oil has taken on some of the material's properties
Infusion Herbal remedy made by steeping the plant material in water
Immunostimulant which stimulates the immune system
Insect repellent keeping insects away
Insecticide who kills insects
Laxative which accelerates intestinal transit
Lipolytic which promotes degradation of fats
Macerate To soak until soft
Mucolytic which fluidizes and promotes the evacuation of respiratory secretions (mucus, …)
Neurotronic which stimulates the nervous system and calms an anxiety state
Oedema Water retention
Oleo gum resin Odoriferous exudation from botanical material consisting of essential oil, gum and resin
Oleoresin Natural resinous exudation from plants or aromatic liquid preparation extracted from botanical material
Oestrogen-like which mimics the action of estrogen in the body
Oxidation Related to the addition of oxygen to an organic molecule, or the removal of electrons or hydrogen from the molecule
Painkiller inhibiting the sensation of pain
Phyto therapy Treatment of disease with plant material, including herbal medicine
Rectification Process of re-distilling essential oils to rid them of certain constituents
Resin Natural or prepared product - natural resins are exudations from trees, prepared resins are oleoresins from which the essential oil has been removed
Resinoids Perfumed material extracted from natural resinous material by solvent extraction
Rhizome Underground stem that lasts for more than one season
Skin regenerator which protects the skin and promotes the synthesis of skin cells
Sedative which soothes, relaxes and promotes sleep
Spasmolytic (or antispasmodic) which suppresses spasms, involuntary muscle contractions
Stomachic which promotes digestion
Synergy Agents working together and in harmony to produce and effect greater than the sum of the two separate agents
Synthetic Refers to anything not of organic source
Vasodilator which promotes the dilation of the vessels i.e. the increase in their diameter and thus better blood circulation
Vermifuge An agent expelling intestinal worms
Volatile Substance that is unstable and evaporates easily, like an essential oil