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Sutherlandia - Cancerbush - 60 Capsules - Herbal Collection

R 149.00
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eOil.co.za  |  SKU: EO-HC-CAN-60-CP


Sutherlandia frutescens ( Lessertia frutescens ) 60 Capsules - Herbal Collection

For in depth information check tabs below



    Sutherlandia, also known as Sutherlandia frutescens or "cancer bush," is a traditional medicinal plant widely used in Southern Africa. 


    It has a rich history of use among indigenous peoples, such as the Khoi San and Nama, who utilized it for its diverse therapeutic properties. 


    Traditionally, Sutherlandia has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, wounds, and stomach issues. 


    It is also used as a tonic to purify the blood, enhance appetite, and prevent wasting. Moreover, it has been employed to address conditions like depression, stress, diabetes, kidney and liver problems, rheumatism, and various infections including colds and influenza. 


    Sutherlandia is often prepared as a decoction or infusion using its aerial parts, such as leaves and stems, and is available in various forms like capsules, tablets, and teas


    Here are some online sources that provide information about the traditional uses of Sutherlandia dried herbs:

    1. ScienceDirect Topics: This source provides an overview of Sutherlandia, highlighting its traditional use as a tonic for enhancing well-being, immunity, and longevity, as well as its role in fighting stress, depression, and anxiety .
    2. Mountain Herb Estate: This site details the traditional medicinal uses of Sutherlandia, including its use as an adaptogenic bitter tonic, its ability to normalize body functions, and its supportive role in treating chronic diseases, immune deficiencies, and various other ailments .
    3. CORE: This PDF document discusses the traditional uses of Sutherlandia by indigenous peoples, such as the Khoi San and Nama, for treating wounds, fevers, and a range of other conditions including depression, stress, diabetes, and more .
    4. PlantZAfrica - SANBI: This source provides information on the traditional and ongoing use of Sutherlandia as a medicinal plant in Southern Africa, including its reputation as a cancer cure and its role in boosting the immune system .
    5. FeelGood Health Blog: This blog post discusses the health benefits of Sutherlandia, including its traditional use as a treatment for cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, tuberculosis, and other conditions .


    Source : https://pza.sanbi.org/lessertia-frutescens


    Source : http://www.wikiphyto.org/wiki/Sutherlandia


    Reference on http://www.wikiphyto.org


    Translation in English by Google Translate  (go to the page of the source linked | on Chrome cellphones go on the 3 dots on the top right and select translate in your preferred language | on laptop right click your mouse and select option translate when hoovering on the page


    plant name


    Sutherlandia, Ethiopian dagger , cancer bush


    International Latin denomination


    Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R.Br. ex WT Aiton, syn. Colutea frutescens L.


    botanical family




    Description and habitat


    • Erect shrub, sparsely furnished, with evergreen gray-green foliage, downy, with an aromatic smell and bitter taste, with scarlet red flowering, the fruits are translucent pods with very hard pyrophyte seeds (the heat of the fire activates their germination)
    • From South Africa


    History and tradition


    • Used by traditional healers in fevers, flu, as a tonic, to treat cancer and in stomach ailments


    Parts used


    • Aerial parts


    Dosage forms available


    Usual dosages




    Main components of the plant


    • Amino acids: arginine, L-canavanine (antimetabolite of L-arginine)
    • GABA


    Main components of buds or young shoots


    Main components of essential oil




    Plant properties


    • Antiviral, antiretroviral activity [1] , [2]
    • Immunological activity
    • Antibacterial and antioxidant activity [3]
    • Analgesic [4] and anti-inflammatory activity by inhibition of COX-2 [5]
    • Anticancer activity, inhibits cell proliferation of several human tumor cell lines: MCF7 cells, MDA-MB-468, Jurkat, HL60 [6]
    • Improves fatigue in oncology [7]
    • L-canavanine protects the plant from various predatory insects


    Bud properties


    Properties of essential oil




    Indications of the whole plant (phytotherapy)


    • cancer(?)
    • AIDS (?)


    Indications of the bud (gemmotherapy)


    Specific indications of essential oil (aromatherapy)


    Known or suspected mode of action


    Usual formulations




    Possible side effects and precautions for use


    Bibliographic references


    1. Go↑ Mills E, Cooper C, Seely D, Kanfer I. African herbal medicines in the treatment of HIV: Hypoxis and Sutherlandia. An overview of evidence and pharmacology. Nutr J. 2005 May 31;4:19. PMID 15927053 full text
    2. Go↑ Harnett SM, Oosthuizen V, van de Venter M. Anti-HIV activities of organic and aqueous extracts of Sutherlandia frutescens and Lobostemon trigonus. J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 4;96(1-2):113-9. PMID 15588658
    3. Go↑ Katerere DR, Eloff JN. Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Sutherlandia frutescens (Fabaceae), a reputed anti-HIV/AIDS phytomedicine. Phytother Res. 2005 Sep;19(9):779-81. PMID 16220570
    4. Go↑ Ojewole JA. Analgesic, antiinflammatory and hypoglycemic effects of Sutherlandia frutescens R. BR. (variety Incana E. MEY.) [Fabaceae] shoot aqueous extract. Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 2004 Jul-Aug;26(6):409-16. PMID 15349136
    5. Go↑ Joydeb Kumar Kundu, Kensese S. Mossanda, Hye-Kyung Na, Young-Joon Surh. Inhibitory effects of the extracts of Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R. Br. and Harpagophytum procumbens DC. on phorbol ester-induced COX-2 expression in mouse skin: AP-1 and CREB as potential upstream targets. Cancer Letters, 2005, Volume 218, Issue 1, Pages 21-31
    6. Go↑ Tai J, Cheung S, Chan E, Hasman D. In vitro culture studies of Sutherlandia frutescens on human tumor cell lines. J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Jul;93(1):9-19. PMID 15182898
    7. Go↑ M. Grandi, L. Roselli, M. Vernay. Lessertia (Sutherlandia frutescens) and fatigue in oncology. Phytotherapy, Volume 3, Number 3, 110-113
    • Vanessa C. Korb; Devapregasan Moodley; Anil A. Chuturgoon. Apoptosis-promoting effects of Sutherlandia frutescens extracts on normal human lymphocytes in vitro. South African Journal of Science, vol.106 no.1-2 Jan./Feb. 2010 [1]
    • SM Harnett, V Oosthuizen, M. van de Venter. Anti-HIV activities of organic and aqueous extracts of Sutherlandia frutescens and Lobostemon trigonus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 96, Issues 1-2, 4 January 2005, Pages 113-119
    • BE. van Wyk, C. Albrecht. A review of the taxonomy, ethnobotany, chemistry and pharmacology of Sutherlandia frutescens (Fabaceae). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 119, Issue 3, 28 October 2008, Pages 620-629. PMID 18761068


    Store in a cool, dry place, away from light. Keep tightly closed, away from the reach of Children and pets.

    Do not exceed the daily dose.


    This product is not intended to prevent or cure any form of illness or disease.

    If you are pregnant or nursing ; If you have a medical condition or are in the course of medical treatment ; If you are programmed for theater/operation in the near future, please consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.


    This product cannot replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


    This product has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.


    For More Information please check our General Safety Herbal products Page

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