Rosemary Herbal Extract ( Rosemarianus officinalis )

R 109.00
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Rosemary Herbal Extract ( Rosemarianus officinalis ) - 50 ml

Natural Headache Management


     May help with


    • Choleretic
    • Cholagogue
    • Nephroprotective
    • Cardiac tonic
    • Diuretic
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • expectorant - Pulmonary antiseptic
    • Memory enhancement


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    plant name


    Rosemary , Crown Grass


    International Latin denomination


    Rosmarinus officinalis L.



    botanical family




    Description and habitat


    • Evergreen bushy shrub, with sessile, linear and leathery dark green leaves, with a characteristic aromatic odor (camphorous, imitating the smell of incense )
    • Inflorescences of pale blue or light lilac flowers smeared with purple spots
    • Very polymorphic, there are several chemotypes depending on the geographical origin:


    History and tradition



    Parts used



    Dosage forms available



    Usual dosages




    Main components of the plant



    Main components of buds or young shoots



    Main components of essential oil





    Plant properties


    • Choleretic and cholagogue, carminative, stimulation of digestive secretions, anti-ulcer (hydro-alcoholic extracts [3]
    • Protection of the hepatocyte against peroxidation and toxins by aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts, diterpenes: rosmanol and carnosol [4] , [5] , [6]
    • Experimentation with rosemary extract on cultured hepatocytes demonstrated a protective action against the peroxidative effects of tert-butyl hydroperoxide.
    • The effect of the young shoot is greater than that of the adult leaf [7]
    • Nephroprotective [8]
    • Demonstrated pharmacological actions: relaxation of bronchial and intestinal smooth muscles, anti-inflammatory effect by reduction of leukotrienes and increase in the production of PGE2, inhibition of complement and lipid peroxidation, prevention of carcinogenicity linked to the formation of adducts of DNA [9]
    • Carnosol protects brain dopaminergic black cells (5) and carnosic acid increases the synthesis of nerve growth factor NGF [10]
    • Carnosol protects dopaminergic neurons [ 11]
    • Diuretic, tonic and stimulant
    • Cardiac tonic ( oleanolic acid , ursolic acid ), inhibition of lipid peroxidation [12]
    • Analgesic, like many plants of the Lamiaceae family [13]
    • Spasmolytic by its essential oil
    • Anti-inflammatory [14]
    • Anticonvulsant (must depend on dose)
    • Inhalation causes hyperactivity
    • Antiviral [16] (le carnosol est antiviral)
    • Increase in the antibacterial activity of antibiotics and decrease in resistance [17] , in vitro anti - Helicobacter pylori activity [18]
    • Anti-acne potentialities (decreases inflammation induced by Propionibacterium acnes ) [19]
    • Antioxidant activity [20] ( carnosol , carnosic acid ), interesting in cancers (prostate) [21]
      • The powerful antioxidant activity has caught the attention of food manufacturers; partly linked to rosmarinic acid , it is mainly due to diterpenic 0-diphenols ( carnosic acid ) whose effectiveness has been evaluated on different models and deemed sufficient (≥ to that of BHT) for extracts to be marketed (France , USA, Germany)
      • Rosemary extracts are primary antioxidants, acting as proton donors during the formation of free radicals. They significantly delay fat oxidation in lipid and food systems
    • Protein glycation inhibitor [22]
    • Anti-proliferative effect [23]

    Bud properties

    • Hepatoprotective, according to Fleurentin, young rosemary shoots are more active in hepatic protection than adult plant preparations [24]
    • Cholagogue and choleretic, diuretic [25]
    • For Pol Henry hepatodigestive allergy [26]


    Properties of essential oil


    • Anti-inflammatory by inhibition of leukocyte migration [27] and analgesic [28]
    • Antimicrobial [29]
    • Antibacterial, antifungal, decreases the resistance of Escherichia coli to antibiotics and of Candida albicans to antifungals [30]
    • Agonist effect on alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, which leads to a decrease in the secretion and effects of catecholamines on the vessels [31]
    • The essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis , ct cineole applied topically has a vasodilating and warming effect which helps to improve Raynaud's phenomenon [32] , increases the perception of heat in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon linked to systemic sclerosis, without increasing the skin temperature measured by infrared thermography [33]
    • Antioxidant and DNA protector [34]
    • Neurotoxic ( camphor ) but hepatoprotective at low doses [35] , [36] if camphor is not higher than 10-15%
    • Expectorant, pulmonary antiseptic ( mainly 1,8-cineole chemotype )
    • Inhalation of HE ( 1,8-cineole chemotype ) improves memory capacities [37] , [38]
    • More specific indications of the different chemotypes  :




    Indications of the whole plant (phytotherapy)


    • Digestive and hepatobiliary disorders
    • Asthenia, convalescence
    • Infectious diseases and their consequences
    • External use in rheumatism
    • small heart failures
    • The effect of the young shoot is superior to that of the adult leaf in hepatoprotection


    Indications of the bud (gemmotherapy)


    Specific indications of essential oil (aromatherapy)


      • Camphor chemotype  : rheumatic diseases, joint pain, muscular contractures by local route
      • Verbenone and bornyl acetate chemotype :  cellulite, metabolic overload
      • 1,8 - cineole chemotype  : ENT and broncho-pulmonary conditions, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma
    • Asthenia, overwork
    • External use :
      • Tired hair, dandruff, hair loss, identical efficacy of rosemary HE to that of minoxidil [40]


    Known or suspected mode of action


    • Rosmarinic acid is anti-asthenic and antiviral
    • Carnosol and carnosic acid are powerful antioxidants (like rosmarinic acid ) in food
    • Oleanolic acid and ursolic acid are heart tonic
    • Camphor is a pulmonary antiseptic and cardio-respiratory stimulant, relaxing smooth and striated muscles, externally revulsive, and slightly anesthetic


    Usual formulations





    Possible side effects and precautions for use



    Bibliographic references


    1. Go↑ K.E. Rasmussen, S. Rasmussen, A. Baerheim svendsen. Quantitative determination of the various compounds of the volatile oil in small amouts of plant material by means of gas liquid chromatography. Terpenes and related compounds. Pharm Weekblad, 107, pp.277-284, 1972.
    2. Go↑ Hoefler C. Contribution to the pharmacological study of extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis L., and in particular of young shoots: choleretic, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic activities, University of Metz, Center for Environmental Sciences: thesis doctorate, specialty pharmacognosy, 1994.
    3. Go↑ Dias PC, Sheet MA, Potenti A, de Carvalho JE. Antiulcerogenic activity of crude hydroalcoholic extract of Rosmarinus officinalis L. J Ethnopharmacol. 2000 Jan; 69 (1): 57-62
    4. Go↑ Joyeux M, Rolland A, Fleurentin J, Mortier F, Dorfman P. tert-Butyl hydroperoxide-induced injury in isolated rat hepatocytes: a model for studying anti-hepatotoxic crude drugs. Planta Med. 1990 Apr;56(2):171-4. PMID 2353064
    5. Go↑ Sotelo-Felix JI, Martinez-Fong D, Muriel De la Torre P. Protective effect of carnosol on CCl(4)-induced acute liver damage in rats. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2002 Sep;14(9):1001-6. PMID 12352220
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    7. Go↑ Fleurentin Jacques. Plants that heal us. Ed. West France. 2007
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    20. Go↑ Schwarz K, Ternes W. Antioxidative constituents of Rosmarinus officinalis and Salvia officinalis. II. Isolation of carnosic acid and formation of other phenolic diterpenes. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1992 Aug;195(2):99-103. PMID 1529648
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    • Catherine Ulbricht , PharmD, Tracee Rae Abrams , PharmD, Ashley Brigham , PharmD, James Ceurvels , PharmD, Jessica Clubb , PharmD, Whitney Curtiss , PharmD, Catherine DeFranco Kirkwood , MPH, CCCJS-MAC, Nicole Giese , MS, Kevin Hoehn , PharmD, MBA, CGP, Ramon Iovin , PhD, Richard Isaac, Erica Rusie , PharmD, Jill M. Grimes Serrano , PhD, Minney Varghese, Wendy Weissner , BA & Regina C. Windsor , MPH. An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Natural Standard Research Collaboration, Pages 351-413 [4]
    • Inoue K, Takano H, Shiga A, Fujita Y, Makino H, Yanagisawa R, Kato Y, Yoshikawa T. Effects of volatile constituents of rosemary extract on lung inflammation induced by diesel exhaust particles. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2006 Jul;99(1):52-7. PMID 16867171
    • Garima Sancheti and P K Goyal. Prevention of Radiation Induced Hematological Alterations by Medicinal Plant Rosmarinus Officinalis, in Mice. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2007; 4(2): 165–172
    • Angioni A, Barra A, Cereti E, Barile D, Coïsson JD, Arlorio M, Dessi S, Coroneo V, Cabras P. Chemical Composition, Plant Genetic Differences, Antimicrobial and Antifungal Activity Investigation of the Essential Oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2004, 52 (11), pp 3530–3535
    • F. M. Soliman, E. A. El-Kashoury, M. M. Fathy, M. H. Gonaid. Analysis and biological activity of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis l. from Egypt. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 1994, 9 (1), pp 29–33





    Store in a cool, dry place, away from light. Keep tightly closed, away from the reach of Children and pets.

    Do not exceed the daily dose.


    This product is not intended to prevent or cure any form of illness or disease.

    If you are pregnant or nursing ; If you have a medical condition or are in the course of medical treatment ; If you are programmed for theater/operation in the near future, please consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.


    This product cannot replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


    This product has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.


    For More Information please check our General Safety Herbal products Page

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