Cinnamomum camphora chemotypes

  • Cinnamomum camphora and Chemotypes (CT) or Molecular constituent variants.

    • Just like other living organism on this planet (including us, Humans!), Plants have the capacity to adapt to their geographical environment and develop into variant of the same species. 
    • Plants also develop their aromatic properties as a defence mechanism (climatic conditions, predators…) or to attract suited pollinators. 
    • These variations are clearly seen at the molecular level and are called Chemotype for Chemical type, in short CT. The chemotype of an essential oil also varies according to the aromatic part (leaves, flowers, branches, barks, seeds…) that is chosen for distillation. The chemotypes are of course present in the essential oils extracted from the plant and should be reflected in essential oils when they are 100% pure, natural, and whole.
    • To resume, two plants that bear the same name, will produce essential oils that are different at the molecular level, and will be singular in their aromatical signatures, properties and scents.

    The camphor tree is such an example of a plant originating from China that has developed into variants, that all “look” the same, but produce different constituents and concentrations at the molecular level. 

    Cinnamomum camphora essential oil extracted from the wood– from china – chemotype Camphor:  Is high in Camphor molecules. Camphor oil is not available commercially as a pure, complete essential oil. After distillation, the camphor constituents are isolated and sold to industries. The rest of the oil is further refined to give a fractionated White Camphor oil, that contains little camphor molecules. Other fractions are the yellow and brown camphor oil, high in safrole and not available without a licence. 

    eOil doesn’t offer White camphor oil.

    Cinnamomum camphora essential oil, extracted from the leaves – from Madagascar– chemotype Cineole: Is hight in -1.8 cineole (also known as Eucalyptol). This variant of Cinnamomum camphora is commonly known as the Ravintsara essential oil and is renowned for its easy-breathe, antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.

    Cinnamomum camphora essential oil, extracted from the branches and wood – from Taiwan– chemotype Linalool: Is the Hô wood/Shui essential oil, loaded with the well-loved soothing and calming linalool molecules. Hô wood essential oil is considered the aromatic “twin-sister” of Rosewood wood essential oil.