Lime/Linden Flower Blossom tips - Herbal Collection

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Lime/Linden Flower Blossom tips - 75 g - Herbal Collection

Tilia cordata



    May help with


    • promote relaxation.
    • fight inflammation.
    • reduce mild pain.
    • have diuretic effects.
    • Linked to lower blood pressure.
    • sleep.
    • Soothes your digestive tract.
    • Easy to add to your diet.


    Source :


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    plant name




    International Latin denomination



    botanical family


    Tiliaceae , according to the classic morphological classification after Cronquist.

    • The genus Tilia is now classified in the family Malvaceae according to the APG III phylogenetic classification (2009)


    Description and habitat


    • Large trees with gray and smooth bark, heart-shaped leaves, present in the woods of all Europe and Asia Minor
    • Grown in North America
    • Pleasantly fragrant, pentameric flowers, grouped in cymes
    • The inflorescence is carried by a peduncle fused to a long membranous bract, colorless or greenish yellow
    • The fruit is an indehiscent capsule ranging from 6 mm ( Tilia cordata ) to 8-10 mm ( Tilia platyphyllos )
    • Linden trees are often hybrids, all European species would be infertile
    • Common species:
    • A robust species, lime requires deep, divided, cool soil. Its reddish white wood is of mediocre quality, it can live for several centuries, it lives in the calcareous ash oak forest, in the sub-mountain maple ash forest and in the calcareous sessiliflorous oak forest.


    History and tradition


    • The legend says that it was the leaf of a heart-shaped lime tree that landed on Siegfried's back, the only vulnerable place in his body after he bathed in the blood of the vanquished dragon (saga of the Nibelungen)
    • Many lime trees are of distant origin ( Tilia chinensis Maxim. and Tilia mandchurica Rupr.) and of unequal quality (one often puts some in the infusettes); with regard to the sapwood, discard the one that is too light in color sometimes coming from these species (much less rich in active ingredients)


    Parts used


    • Inflorescences, leaves and bracts
    • Sapwood
    • buds


    Dosage forms available



    Usual dosages


    • Glycerine macerate 50 to 100 drops in adults (up to one teaspoonful), one drop per kg of weight and per day in children
    • Wild linden sapwood from Roussillon: 40 grams for one liter of water; boil for 10 minutes over low heat; infuse one hour. Drink during the day, 10 days a month for three months
    • Bracts and flowers: 15-minute infusion, drink in the evening before bedtime, or in baths (children)




    Main components of the plant



    Main components of buds or young shoots



    Main components of essential oil





    Plant properties



    Bud properties


    • Anxiolytic and sedative according to Tétau [12] , effects objectified by the spontaneous mobility test and the hole board test in mice
    • Mild hypnosis (sleep inducer), effect demonstrated by the barbiturate narcosis potentiation test [2]
    • Antispasmodic
    • Rich in farnesol , a terpene with sedative neuro-regulatory properties


    Properties of essential oil




    Indications of the whole plant (phytotherapy)


    • Inflorescences:
      • Anxiety, minor sleep disturbances, spasms (even externally in baths)
      • Psychologically, the symbolism of betrayal is very present (see the theme of Siegfried in the Nibelungen saga, "broken heart")
      • Dermatological conditions, pruritus, eczema, in local baths
    • Sapwood:
      • Biliary dyskinesias, migraines and hepatobiliary disorders, slow digestion, high blood pressure
      • Phloroglucinol is powerfully antispasmodic ( it is the active ingredient of Spasfon®, which is used in hepatic, renal colic, dysmenorrhea).
      • Esculoside (a coumarin ) is venotonic and vasculoprotective. Fraxoside ( coumarin ) is anti-inflammatory and analgesic


    Indications of the bud (gemmotherapy)



    Specific indications of essential oil (aromatherapy)


    Known or suspected mode of action



    Usual formulations


    • Wild linden sapwood ( Tilia sylvestris ) from Roussillon la Gravelline®: 400 grams. Count 40 grams for a liter of water; boil for 10 minutes over low heat; infuse one hour. Drink during the day, 10 days a month, for three months
    • Linden bracts ( Tilia cordata or Tilia platyphyllos ): A pinch for a cup of boiling water, infuse 10 to 15 minutes, drink in the evening one hour before bedtime
    • Tilia tomentosa Buds glycerine macerate 1 DH: 100 drops at bedtime in a glass of water or herbal tea (adult); 1 drop per kg of body weight for the child, in half a glass or a bottle of water
    • General bath with linden bracts: A handful in a liter of boiling water, infuse 15 minutes, after filtration pour the herbal tea into a hot bath, in the evening





    Possible side effects and precautions for use


    • Avoid in case of large urinary and gallstones


    Bibliographic references


    1. Go↑ Ieri F, Innocenti M, Possieri L, Gallori S, Mulinacci N. Phenolic composition of "bud extracts" of Ribes nigrum L., Rosa canina L. and Tilia tomentosa M. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2015 Nov 10;115:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2015.06.004. PMID 26135753
    2. Go to :2.0 and 2.1 Viriot Anne-Claire. An update on gemmotherapy in 2012. Pharmacy thesis, Toulouse, 2015
    3. Go↑ DOLISOS. Tilia tomentosa buds. Virtues known for years. Today pharmacological evidence. Homeopathic Pharmacological Laboratories (LPH) DOLISOS Paris, 1980
    4. Go↑ Coleta M, Campos MG, Cotrim MD, Proença da Cunha A. Comparative evaluation of Melissa officinalis L., Tilia europaea L., Passiflora edulis Sims. and Hypericum perforatum L. in the elevated plus maze anxiety test. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2001 Jul;34 Suppl 1:S20-1. PMID 11518069
    5. Go↑ Fleurentin Jacques. Plants that heal us. Ed. West France. 2007.
    6. Go↑ Viola H, Wolfman C, Levi De Stein M, Wasowski C, Pena C, Medina J. H, Paladini AC Isolation of pharmacologically active benzodiazepine receptor ligands from Tilia tomentosa (Tiliaceae). Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1994, vol. 44, no.1, p. 47-53 [1]
    7. Go↑ Martínez-Hernández, GB, Jiménez-Ferrer, E., Román-Ramos, R., Zamilpa, A., González-Cortazar, M., León-Rivera, I., ... & Herrera-Ruiz, M. (2021). A mixture of quercetin 4′-O-rhamnoside and isoquercitrin from Tilia americana var. mexicana and its biotransformation products with antidepressant activity in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 267, 113619.
    8. Go↑ Chávez-Morales, Y., Jiménez-Ferrer, E., Martínez-Hernández, GB, Tortoriello, J., Román-Ramos, R., Zamilpa, A., & Herrera-Ruiz, M. (2019). Effect of Standardized Fractions and Tiliroside from Leaves of Tilia americana on Depression Tests in Mice. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research: IJPR, 18(4), 1931.
    9. Go↑ Noguerón-Merino, MC, Jiménez-Ferrer, E., Román-Ramos, R., Zamilpa, A., Tortoriello, J., & Herrera-Ruiz, M. (2015). Interactions of a standardized flavonoid fraction from Tilia americana with Serotoninergic drugs in elevated plus maze. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 164, 319-327.
    10. Go↑ Aguirre-Hernández, E., González-Trujano, M., Terrazas, T., Herrera Santoyo, J., & Guevara-Fefer, P. (2016). Anxiolytic and sedative-like effects of flavonoids from Tilia americana var. mexicana: GABAergic and serotonergic participation. Mental Health, 39(1), 37-46.
    11. Go↑ Toker G, Küpeli E, Memisoğlu M, Yesilada E. Flavonoids with antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities from the leaves of Tilia argentea (silver linden). J Ethnopharmacol. 2004 Dec;95(2-3):393-7. PMID 15507365
    12. Go↑ Vise Max. New gemmotherapy clinics. Ed. Similia, Paris. 1987
    13. Go↑ Henry Pol. Gemmotherapy, therapy with plant embryonic extracts. Author's edition. Brussels, 1982.
    • Wichtl Max, Anton Robert. Therapeutic plants: Tradition, officinal practice, science and therapy. Ed. Tec & Doc. Cachan. 1999. p. 559
    • Bruneton J. Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Plants. Ed. Tec and Doc. 1997. p. 103
    • Lanza JP, Steinmetz MD, Lavaivre-Pierlovisi M. Pharmacodynamic action and toxicity of aqueous extracts of lime tree Tilia sylvestris [in French]. Plants Med Phytoter 1982;16:129–136.
    • Peev C, Dehelean C, Antal D, Feflea Ş, Olariu L, Toma C. Tilia tomentosa foliar bud extract: phytochemical analysis and dermatological testing. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii 2009 Vol. 19 No. 1 pp. 163-165 Full text
    • Toker G, Memisoglu M, Yesilada E, Aslan M. Main Flavonoids of Tilia argentea DESF. former DC. Leaves. Turk J Chem 28 (2004), 745–749.


    Store in a cool, dry place, away from light. Keep tightly closed, away from the reach of Children and pets.

    Do not exceed the daily dose.


    This product is not intended to prevent or cure any form of illness or disease.

    If you are pregnant or nursing ; If you have a medical condition or are in the course of medical treatment ; If you are programmed for theater/operation in the near future, please consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.


    This product cannot replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


    This product has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.


    For More Information please check our General Safety Herbal products Page

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    Lime Blossom tips - 75 g - Herbal Collection -

    Lime/Linden Flower Blossom tips - Herbal Collection

    R 169.00
    Lime/Linden Flower Blossom tips - 75 g - Herbal Collection

    Tilia cordata

    Natural Headache Management



    • 75 GR
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